Today: Nov 25 emergency court hearing on the San Onofre Nuclear Waste Dump

Please join us in court when a decision will be made that may help stop the burying of nuclear waste at the closed San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.

Public Notice of Court hearing on SONGS radioactive waste Nov 25, 2019, 2:00PM
WHO:   Public Watchdogs vs.the NRC and Southern California Edison’s corporate attorneys.
WHAT:  Court Hearing on Motions to Dismiss Filed by Southern California Edison and the NRC
        Public Watchdogs has asked the Court to issue an emergency restraining order to halt the burial of deadly spent nuclear fuel at the San Onofre Nuclear  Generating Station.  SCE and the NRC are trying to get the lawsuit dismissed on technical grounds.
WHEN:  2:00 PM  — (we recommend arriving at 1:30 PM, seating may be  limited). It is imperative that we get a large turnout of concerned citizens.
WHERE:  United States District Court, Southern District of California (Get Map)
Courtroom 4D, United States District Court
333 W Broadway #420, San Diego, CA 92101
 Judge Janis L. Sammartino
On Monday at 2:00 PM, Public Watchdogs will make the case that it’s lawsuit seeking an emergency restraining order at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station should be allowed to proceed. Public support of this effort will be important in convincing the court and the defendants that they cannot ignore our rights.
Requested Relief
If relief is ultimately granted, the court will order a halt to the ongoing burial of deadly radioactive nuclear waste at the beachfront San Onofre Nuclear Waste Dump. Public Watchdogs is attempting in three separate legal actions to stop the burial of nuclear waste in an unsafe location, inches above the water table, in a tsunami inundation zone, next to an earthquake fault, and 108 feet from a public beach.  If this lawsuit is not allowed to proceed, Southern California Edison will continue the hurried burial of spent nuclear fuel at the beach without the benefit of an independent and objective risk analysis—something that must be done before generations of Southern Californians are forced to live next to buried nuclear waste.
“Mobile Chernobyls” 
Each canister contains as much lethal Cesium-137 as was released during the entire Chernobyl disaster. In addition, the thin-walled canisters have a 5/8″ thin stainless steel wall, unlike sturdy thick-walled containers used by most first-world nations. What’s more, the thin-walled canisters are vulnerable to salt-induced stress corrosion cracking, according to research by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which shows that containers made of similar stainless steel have cracked open in as few as 16 years at other nuclear power plants.
Even a microscopic crack would release a deadly dose of millions of curies of radiation.
Public Watchdogs litigation
Public Watchdogs has initiated multiple legal complaints against the defendants since the shocking revelation by a San Onofre whistle blower on August 3, 2018 of two separate incidents involving unsecured loads of nuclear waste at San Onofre. In each of these incidents, canisters filled with tons of nuclear waste were almost dropped 20 feet into concrete silos—events that could have turned San Onofre into a nuclear wasteland. A summary of each of these legal actions is on our Web site at

6 thoughts on “Today: Nov 25 emergency court hearing on the San Onofre Nuclear Waste Dump

  1. Thinking about your Emergency Relief… it will be a breathing point for all of us.
    Stop the Holtec Loading.
    Thank you, Charles!

    1. Hello,
      I received the notice of the court hearing last night and do hope you have a good turn out. I hope the the fact that the Holtec canisters are substandard and could in fact cause a nuclear explosion affecting millions of people is the strong point. That high spent fuel will never ever leave the site.
      Thank you and it was nice to meet you at the last CEP.

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