Whistleblower exposes Corruption at Hanford nuclear waste dump

Documentation of corruption at Hanford nuclear waste dump Thank goodness for the courage and sacrifice of Whistleblowers! Public Watchdogs’ Director of Development, Nina Babiarz, was talking with one of our Board members who resides in Washington state.  Familiar with our situation at San Onofre, he described to her the daily news coverage in Washington focused on a series of horrific taxpayer overcharges and safety lapses at…

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SDG&E’s electric rates are the highest in the nation

Are we customers or “victims?” It’s Official: According to a new study by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics  SDG&E customers are paying the highest rates for electricity in the entire USA.  These rates are even higher than “outlier” states such as Hawaii, and Alaska.    A significant portion of the higher costs are due to a lax regulatory environment, increased expenditures on deferred-maintenance fire prevention, and…

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What is Holtec Smoking? $70 million lost to cannabis-loving employees?

New Jersey Monitor, an independent news organization is reporting that Holtec, the company that made the nuclear waste storage canisters for the failed San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) has admitted that its employees have embezzled money and duped its CEO, Krishna "Kris" Singh, into a $70 million loss from questionable investments in the cannabis industry. Top Holtec executives have admitted to investing in the dope...

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Gasoline Settlement Claim Form and how you were jumped at the pump by a criminal enterprise

If you live in California and purchased gasoline between February 20, 2015 and November 10, 2015 in San Diego or Los Angeles Counties, (plus eight other counties)*, then you are probably eligible for a refund thanks to a legal action by the California Department of Justice.  Some of you may have received a postcard notification. Submit a claim online here at:  https://calg.calgaslitigation.com/ Now the bad news. …

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Report to members on Radiation leaks at the failed San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS)

UPDATE:  On 09-25-24, we finally received a name-redacted copy of the radiation spill report filed by a BNSF railroad worker to the California Department of Health.  Get the Department of Health report. Sept. 10, 2024 – HazMat Spill Report   Get the official San Benardino Fire Department Hazardous Materials (HazMat) spill report, with photos of the leaking containers, internal reports, and more.  Get the document here….

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NRC Report on SONGS Pressurizer Radiation Leak

This is what you need to know:  If this radiation leak had not been discovered by a railroad worker, and witnessed by local Hazmat responders, we would probably never know about it. This is the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) report on the recent leak of radioactive water from the failed San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) in a San Bernardino railroad yard.  The junked nuclear equipment…

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SONGS virtual public meeting, Thursday, June 5, 2pm to 5pm, “Community Engagement Panel”

There has been yet another radiation leak involving the failed San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS), and we need your attendance at a virtual meeting at 2pm Thursday to hold them accountable. Even if you remain silent your presence will put extreme pressure on Edison to tell the truth! (and as you know, “truth-telling” is not a part of Edison’s corporate culture). On Thursday, June  5…

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Corporate Censorship: Yahoo and AOL are blocking the free speech of nuclear activists

WARNING: If you use Yahoo or AOL, you may never receive an email from Public Watchdogs because those emails are being censored. Yahoo is censoring emails from anti-nuclear groups such as Public Watchdogs, and also the emails of prominent citizens who support us, or have been actively organizing against the threat of nuclear war, nuclear disasters, and nuclear power. And because you are reading this, you…

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“Twinkle-Eyed” fun and games at the failed San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant

If a handful of the radioactive plutonium stored at the failed San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station was atomized, spread evenly over the earth, and then inhaled, it would be enough to give every person on the planet cancer.  Plutonium is one of the many eternally deadly radioactive metals that are present in every pellet of the more than 3.6 million pounds of nuclear waste at San…

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Critique of the Orange County Register and its pro-nuclear valence

The editorial opinion below is in response to a “twinkle-eyed fun and games” opinion  by Teri Sforza in the Orange County Register.  The Register’s opinion is peculiar because it downplays the lethal nature of nuclear waste as “boring.” The rebuttal below is  by Ace Hoffman,  author of the popular graphic-novel monograph,  Code Killers.  The original essay can be found at the acehoffman.org website at this  page. …

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The AB 205 Shell Game: How the promises of AB 205 and AB 1999 were broken

  AB 1999 was supposed to repeal the deeply flawed AB 205.  It didn’t. As documented on our website for months, Public Watchdogs has followed the entire legislative process of AB 205 from beginning to its promised end when California Assemblywoman Jackie Irwin led a press conference committing to introduce new legislation to “roll back the Public Utility Commission’s proposed income graduated fixed fee.” AB 1999…

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Why the new California AB 205 income-based surcharge is a horrific invasion of your privacy, and how you can protest it.

SIGN THE PETITION Like something repulsive oozing from the bottom of your shoe, Assembly Bill 205 is a revolting mess that requires a yet unidentified California government agency to start tracking your personal income.  After this agency gets possession of your private and personal tax information, a crack team of state-funded bureaucrats will decide how to charge the new fees on your electric bill as soon…

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Tempers flare on 40th Anniversary of TMI meltdown at the San Onofre Nuclear “Community Engagement Panel”

At 4:00 a.m. on March 28, 1979, the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant had a meltdown.  Public Watchdogs’ director of development, Nina Babiarz, was working in Pennsylvania as a reporter not far from the disaster. Forty years later, Babiarz addressed Southern California Edison’s public relations organ, the “Community Engagement Panel” on the decommissioning of the failed and leaking nuclear reactors at the San Onofre Nuclear…

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Why you should “Throw out your holiday lights”

According to Forbes, lighting up the Griswold house with Christmas lights would cost the average American about $4,000.  Now, one of San Diego’s most trusted consumer advocates has told homeowners to throw out their holiday lights. According to Public Watchdogs’ director of development, Nina Babiarz, SDG&E’s new “peak use” charges could be shock if you use old fashioned incandescent light bulbs with your holiday lights.  “Just…

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