On November 8, 2018, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) held a webinar in response to what the NRC called the two “near-miss” and “near-hit” radiation disasters that happened in July and August of this year.
But instead of alerting the public to these close calls, the NRC participated in a cover-up of the events, which occurred in violation of Federal reporting laws (see our post “13 Alarming Reasons the NRC Inspection is Probably a Sham).
If either one of these “unsecured loads” had fallen and cracked open, it would have destroyed our beaches and much of Southern California with deadly radiation, making the region uninhabitable for thousands of generations.
What’s more, the NRC participated in a cover-up with Edsion by allowing the utility to avoid reporting the “near-hits” in violation of Federal Law, 10 CFR72.75 (d) (1)
The NRC claims they “inspected” the situation at San Onofre with an alleged “Inspection Team,” but did you know that the “inspection team” never bothered to actually look at the exterior of the failed canister for damages?
August 3 was the day we almost lost Southern California. That’s the day Edison nearly dropped a delicately constructed 49-ton, thin-walled canister of nuclear waste almost 18 feet.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission called it a “near-hit,” and although the NRC knew all about it, they allowed Edison to VIOLATE FREDERAL LAW by not reporting the event with one hour. Instead, Edison waited more than 45 days to report the August 3 event, and still hasn’t bothered to report that first “near-miss” that occurred in July.
Webinar Information:
Watch a recording of the Webinar HERE
NRC Press Release: https://bit.ly/2Ot3Vm2
NRC Agenda: https://bit.ly/2yQri48
NRC Announcment: https://bit.ly/2Ot3Vm2
Registration page (expired) for the Webinar: https://bit.ly/2Ot3Vm2