WARNING: If you use Yahoo or AOL, you will never receive an email from Public Watchdogs because those emails are being censored.
Yahoo is censoring emails from anti-nuclear groups such as Public Watchdogs, and also the emails of prominent citizens who support us, or have been actively organizing against the threat of nuclear war, nuclear disasters, and nuclear power.
And because you are reading this, you may be next (especially if you are a Yahoo or AOL user).
Yahoo and America Online (AOL) have been actively blocking the email messages of American citizens engaged in nuclear advocacy, nuclear activism, and constitutionally protected free speech.
Yahoo also gives your credit card number and other information to government bureaucrats.
It is no secret that Yahoo, which now owns AOL, enthusiastically allows law enforcement to snoop through your emails and your credit information any time the government wants it. In fact, Yahoo is so enthusiastic about ratting you out for your opinions on politics and science (and probably religion, too) that Yahoo has a free law enforcement handbook on how the police and government bureaucrats can efficiently access Yahoo’s database of information on you to violate your privacy.
“So what’s the big deal? I’ve got nothing to hide!” …
Perhaps you think that is okay for Yahoo to allow the police, the FBI, and the IRS to search your emails, your web browsing history, and even your computer hard drives anytime they want. After all, you haven’t done anything wrong … right? Or have you? Who did you vote for? Where do you shop? What are your thoughts on the war in the Middle East? Are your politics too conservative? Too liberal?
Or perhaps you do not believe in the so-called “questionable right to privacy” that is guaranteed by the California Constitution under under Section One, Article One. Maybe you think that no-one should have privacy, and that corporations and governments should have the right to prevent you from speaking privately (and publicly) to your friends via email, even though this right is protected by the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution.
Is it okay for you to read this?
Did you get permission from Yahoo? Or AOL?
We are posting this document to make it absolutely crystal clear that both Yahoo and AOL.com are the same company. Both Yahoo and AOL are censoring the delivery of email to you from Public Watchdogs. They are also censoring the emails of other decent law-abiding citizens who are active in the antinuclear movement. In fact, it appears to us that anyone who is trying to prevent another disaster in the long list of nuclear disasters can end up on Yahoo’s email censorship list.
For the record, it is the policy of Public Watchdogs’ executive director to reply to all personal emails. And to be clear, if you use a Yahoo or AOL e-dress, you may never get an email from us.
Below are screen captures of two of the many email replies sent by Public Watchdogs’ executive director, Charles Langley, to Yahoo and AOL victims.
Stop being a victim of corporate censorship. Dump Yahoo and AOL now. The author uses gmail, but for a list of alternatives, click here.
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