Whistleblower exposes Corruption at Hanford nuclear waste dump

Documentation of corruption at Hanford nuclear waste dump Thank goodness for the courage and sacrifice of Whistleblowers! Public Watchdogs’ Director of Development, Nina Babiarz, was talking with one of our Board members who resides in Washington state.  Familiar with our situation at San Onofre, he described to her the daily news coverage in Washington focused on a series of horrific taxpayer overcharges and safety lapses at…

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The Gas Settlement “dwarf” postcard and why it fails as a legal notice

Introducing the Invisible Settlement Notice This “Notice of Proposed Settlement” from the Superior Court of California is a failure in our opinion.  Do you agree? Let us know in the comments. Below is a scan of the undated “dwarf” postcard that was mailed to California gasoline victims in late September and early October of 2024.   Click here for details on how to claim your money.  Then…

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Gasoline Settlement Claim Form and how you were jumped at the pump by a criminal enterprise

If you live in California and purchased gasoline between February 20, 2015 and November 10, 2015 in San Diego or Los Angeles Counties, (plus eight other counties)*, then you are probably eligible for a refund thanks to a legal action by the California Department of Justice.  Some of you may have received a postcard notification. Submit a claim online here at:  https://calg.calgaslitigation.com/ Now the bad news. …

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Corporate Censorship: Yahoo and AOL are blocking the free speech of nuclear activists

WARNING: If you use Yahoo or AOL, you may never receive an email from Public Watchdogs because those emails are being censored. Yahoo is censoring emails from anti-nuclear groups such as Public Watchdogs, and also the emails of prominent citizens who support us, or have been actively organizing against the threat of nuclear war, nuclear disasters, and nuclear power. And because you are reading this, you…

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Critique of the Orange County Register and its pro-nuclear valence

The editorial opinion below is in response to a “twinkle-eyed fun and games” opinion  by Teri Sforza in the Orange County Register.  The Register’s opinion is peculiar because it downplays the lethal nature of nuclear waste as “boring.” The rebuttal below is  by Ace Hoffman,  author of the popular graphic-novel monograph,  Code Killers.  The original essay can be found at the acehoffman.org website at this  page. …

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It is impossible to buy insurance against nuclear disasters

Today, Dr. Sarah Mosco published an important and widely distributed editorial opinion explaining that it is impossible for citizens to buy insurance against a nuclear disaster at the failed San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station’s beachfront nuclear waste dump. Get the opinion here. Background on Emergency Planning at San Onofre Public Watchdogs exposed the lax safety regulation at San Onofre in its widely acclaimed report Radiological Regulatory…

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James Conca’s outrageous and deceptive statements

Is spent nuclear fuel really “harmless after four years?” In this video, James Conca, who styles himself as a “scientist,” is falsely claiming that the nuclear waste at the beachfront San Onofre Nuclear Waste Dump is harmless after four years.  He then suggests that people who are concerned about it “don’t understand the science.”  Both statements are outrageously deceptive. According to Scientific American, the USA’s oldest…

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That metallic taste? It’s possible you’ve been irradiated. 

That metallic taste in your mouth?  It could be brain damage.   People who surf  near the failed San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) are rumored to occasionally report a metallic taste in their mouth while surfing. Southern California Edison (SCE), the owners of the shuttered nuke plant, use a system called “Dilute and Discharge,” to dump radioactive water from its spent nuclear fuel pools into…

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Why nuclear energy is insane (and why regulators from four nuclear nations have denounced it as an energy source)

Former Chair of  U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission rejects nuclear energy as “not safe” and “not smart” Dateline May 12, 2022 —  E, the Environmental Magazine, has published a compelling article by journalist Sara Mosko titled the Insanity of Expanding Nuclear Energy.  The story explains how four of the world’s top nuclear regulators have issued a joint statement rejecting nuclear energy as a clean, green solution to…

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Workers urge Holtec International to “Stop hiring Homer Simpson”

Trained workers at the Pilgrim nuclear power plant in Massachusetts are claiming  that skilled nuclear technicians are being replaced by unqualified “Homer Simpsons” as a way of cutting labor costs for the plant’s new owner, Holtec International. Holtec’s legal record includes criminal activities such as bribery and outright lying to elected officials, so it is no surprise that the company has serious management problems that have…

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California is breaking green energy records. Now we need to find better ways to store that energy.

Yesterday, California achieved the astonishing feat of generating 80% of its daily power from renewable energy sources, but this news is often a mixed blessing that energy advocates need to understand. Here’s why: The problem is that there have been many times in the summer when the California Independent System Operator (ISO) has been overwhelmed with too much green energy production. When the “grid” starts producing too…

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Radioactive Releases from Nuclear Power Plants: A Cause for Concern

By Roger Johnson, PhD, contributing editor  All nuclear power plants regularly discharge radioactivity into the environment.  They produce large quantities of radioactive materials and some of it gets discharged into the atmosphere, waterways, and surrounding land.  The public needs to know more about these radioactive emissions, especially since they are conducted frequently and in secret.  Ionizing radiation is a known carcinogen, and since cancer is becoming the number one…

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Nuclear Regulatory Commission rejects request for full-time safety inspector at SONGS

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) bureaucrats have spurned a request by a sitting United States Congressman to put a full-time safety inspector onsite during the transfer of spent nuclear fuel at the accident-prone San Onofre Nuclear Waste Dump. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has rejected a written request from Congressman Mike Levin to deploy a full-time NRC inspector at the San Onofre Nuclear Waste Dump, which is…

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Radioactive emergency sirens at San Onofre are being removed … but that doesn’t mean there is no risk.

Southern California Edison has announced that it is removing all of its radiation alert sirens from nearby communities that are close the failed San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS).  Now that the plant is closed, 3.6 million pounds of deadly radioactive nuclear waste are being buried 108 feet from the beach.  When the beachfront nuclear waste dump is completed, it will contain 72 giant, thin-walled canisters…

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