If you live in California and purchased gasoline between February 20, 2015 and November 10, 2015 in San Diego or Los Angeles Counties, (plus eight other counties)*, then you are probably eligible for a refund thanks to a legal action by the California Department of Justice. Some of you may have received a postcard notification. Submit a claim online here at: https://calg.calgaslitigation.com/ Now the bad news. ... Read more →
Mr. Fitch stunned the audience with a shocking safety issue at the SONGS nuclear waste plant. Then, in an amazing turn of events, a grateful Chief Nuclear Officer promised not to fire him. Details at https://publicwatchdogs.org/whistle-blower-describes-near-miss-nuclear-accident-at-san-onofre-nuclear-generating-station-songs/
Thank you for blowing the whistle. & if you get fired, let the public know, you`ll be amazed at the back up you`ll get.