
Exhibit A: Southern California Edison’s (SCE) Coastal Development Permit (CDP) Application No. 9-19-0194 for its DECONTAMINATION AND DISMANTLEMENT (D&D) ACTIVITIES
Exhibit B: Public Watchdogs’ September 6, 2019 letter to CCC to delay Oct. 17, 2019 vote
Exhibit C: Public Watchdogs’ October 11, 2019 letter to CCC to delay Oct. 17, 2019 vote
Exhibit D: 1982 Map only from the ‘Exclusionary Plan                                                                HYPERLINK
Exhibit E: Entire 1982 ‘Exclusionary Plan                                                                                      HYPERLINK
Exhibit F: CA Coastal Commission Addendum to Staff Report; SPECIAL CONDITION #19     HYPERLINK
Exhibit G: Monday, August 10, 2020 8:05 AM Email response from CCC CCC’s
Environmental Scientist Mr. John Weber                                                                     HYPERLINK
Exhibit H: ‘Gap Analysis to Guide DOE R&D in Supporting Extended Storage and Transportation of Spent Nuclear Fuel: An FY2019 Assessment Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition Spent Fuel and Waste Science and Technology’                                                                             HYPERLINK
Exhibit I: Scientific American, Spent Nuclear Fuel: a Trash Heap Deadly for 250,000 years, Jan 28, 2009, https://bit.ly/2ItUkg8                                                                                           HYPERLINK
Exhibit J: Independent Third-Party Review (ITPR) of SONGS’ Inspection and Maintenance Program


Exhibit K: David Zizmor/CPUC Energy Division; Emails and Attachments                                 HYPERLINK
Exhibit L: Public Watchdogs Chronological Record of Investigations                                    HYPERLINK
Exhibit M: Images of scratched, gouged, and corroding  Spent Nuclear Fuel
canisters  caused by a defective design                                                                 NRC Photo #1
NRC Photo #2
NRC Photo #3
Exhibit N: NRC’s Enforcement Decision for the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Spent Fuel Activities conducted on March 25, 2019, 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM via Virtual Public Meeting/Webinar                                                                                               LINK TO DECISION
Webinar  Transcript
Exhibit O: NRC’s Division 4 Scott A. Morris, Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Region IV                                                                                                   HYPERLINK
Exhibit P:  House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee’s Environment and Climate Change Subcommittee                                                                                                     HYPERLINK
Exhibit K: David Zizmor/CPUC Energy Division; Emails and Attachments
Exhibit L: Public Watchdogs Chronological Record of Investigations                                     HYPERLINK
Exhibit M: Images of scratched and gouged cans by the seismic restraints                        NRC Photo #1
NRC Photo #2
NRC Photo #3
Exhibit N: NRC’s Enforcement Decision for the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Spent Fuel Activities conducted on March 25, 2019, 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM via Virtual Public Meeting/Webinar                                                                                              LINK TO DECISION
Webinar  Transcript
Exhibit L:  House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee’s Environment and Climate Change Subcommittee                                                                                                  HYPERLINK
Exhibit M: Congressman Levin sent a request to NRC Chair Hanson                                        HYPERLINK

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