This is a last-minute invitation to join us TODAY in solidarity at a public event in San Clemente to draw attention to the alarming news about the looming threat of a radiation disaster at San Onofre.
This last-minute event is being organized by our friends at San Clemente Green at 6:00 PM today (Get details).
We are gathering at the park next to San Clemente Library today, 8/11.
at 6:00PM to protest and speak about the recent near-miss nuclear disaster at SONGS (get Map) Some folks have a plan to meet there early to make signs at 5:00PM.
Here’s the background:
The two words that strike terror into the hearts of nuclear workers are “Cask Drop.”
You could have heard a pin drop when David Fritch a safety worker at San Onofre decided to blow the whistle about a near-miss nuclear disaster (get the video here).
In it, Mr. Fritch describes in bone-chilling detail how a gigantic thin-walled steel canister weighing between 38,000 and 110,000 pounds came within a quarter inch of falling 18 feet. Edison doesn’t like to talk about what happens when one of these gigantic thin-walled cans breaks open, because on average each one contains more deadly radioactive Cesium than what was released during the entire Chernobyl disaster.
What’s more, even a hairline crack in one of these dangerous nuclear waste trash cans can emit millions of curies of radiation … and one curie is more than enough to kill you.
We hope to see you tonight. Please ignore any typos, and if you can’t make it, be sure to watch the video, and to support our work to improve the real-time radiation monitoring at San Onofre.
Sign the petition demanding real-time radiation monitoring at SONGS, and check our Real-Time web page for live radiation readings just one mile from SONGS.
And don’t forget to watch the video and pass it along to your friends.