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Electric bills have essentially doubled over the past decade
Column: Free Edison programs aim to help you seal up. But the pain is real.
We start to twitch when family members run the dishwasher or throw on a load of laundry at night. At night, after the sun has set; that’s when our time-of-use electricity rates peak!
With temperatures exceeding 100 degrees in much of Southern California, and air conditioners working overtime, the pain of the monthly electric bill can be staggering. Over just the past three years rates rates have skyrocketed 51% for customers of Southern California Edison and Pacific Gas & Electric, while they’ve jumped 20% for customers of San Diego Gas & Electric, according to a new analysis by the Public Advocate (the branch of the California Public Utilities Commission that’s supposed to represent the little guy).
“The bill volatility that comes with these heat waves will be pretty eye-popping. And we’re concerned about that,” said Mike Campbell, Assistant Deputy Director of Energy for the Public Advocates Office.
[ IMAGE: 1 in 5 households are behind in their electric bills ]
There are free programs, with no income limit, to help customers save energy and money, Monford said.
For folks with central A/C who rent or own a single family home (including manufactured and mobile homes), the Residential Direct Install Program and the Energy Savings Assistance Program can provide things like smart thermostats, smart fan controllers (to push cooled air into the home after the A/C unit has finished cycling), attic insulation and ductwork, duct testing and sealing, as well as testing for refrigerant leaks, replenishing refrigerant and repairing leaks where possible.
These optimize air conditioning operation, efficiency and comfort, Monford said. To schedule a free consultation, call (800) 818-4298 or visit
Customers who meet income thresholds may also qualify for the Energy Savings Assistance program, which provides energy-efficient appliances at no or minimal charge. For more information on that, see