NRC “enforcement decision” represents a miserable failure to regulate.

Today, the nonprofit public safety advocacy group, Public Watchdogs, reacted to a Nuclear Regulatory Commission email touting an “enforcement decision,” at the failed San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station’s beachfront nuclear waste dump, by calling the agency a “miserable failure.” Breaking news: April 26, 2019, 3:50PM NRC “Enforcement Action” against Holtec shows a complete failure to regulate USA’s  nuclear waste stockpile. Today, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) announced that…

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Public Watchdogs sues State Lands Commission to stop destruction of Spent Fuel Pools

Dateline San Diego, April 26, 2019 —Today, Public Watchdogs announced that it has filed a second legal action against the beachfront San Onofre Nuclear Waste Dump owned by Southern California Edison (Edison).  Get the lawsuit here. The lawsuit aims to prevent the tear-down of the spent nuclear fuel pools, which currently hold more than two-million pounds of nuclear waste that is lethal to human life for…

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Public Watchdogs PSA aims to put Southern California Edison on the ropes

Press Advisory:  9-Year-Old Girl Strikes blow for justice in “hard-hitting” nuclear awareness PSA Today, Public Watchdogs announced that it has launched a hard hitting television and social media campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of deadly radioactive waste being stored at San Onofre State Beach Park in San Diego California.  Get the official press release. The public service announcement, which stars a ferociously cute nine-year-old girl,…

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Public Watchdogs launches “Fighting for our Future” PSA

For immediate Release, April 12, 2019 Ad alerts public to threat of nuclear waste for generations to come                     DATELINE San Diego, California — After launching the first public service announcement video of their “Ticking Time Bomb” public awareness campaign in late February, local nonprofit Public Watchdogs has unleashed a second PSA this week. “Fighting for our…

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NRC inspection paves the way to additional safety lapses at SONGS

On March 25, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) announced  that it was fining the utility giant Southern California Edison (SCE) $116,000.00 for violations of Federal Nuclear Safety Law. The decision comes as a disappointment to public safety advocates on the grounds that the comparatively paltry  fine will pave the way to additional safety lapses in the future at SCE’s controversial beachfront Nuclear Wast Dump, which is located…

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“Poor Planning” resulted in near-miss at San Onofre Nuke Plant

Dateline San Diego: Edison admits that poor planning and lack of management oversight caused “near-miss” at failed nuclear power plant FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 01-24-19 Today’s Nuclear Regulatory Commission Pre-decisional Enforcement Conference (PEC) webinar was the final step in the process of determining what  punitive action — if any —  will be taken against Southern California Edison’s documented failure to obey Federal law during the transfer of…

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Holtec CEO admits to at least 51 loose or broken bolts in its nuclear waste containers

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Webcast suggests possible collusion between the NRC and Holtec DATELINE:  January 9th, 2019, San Diego CA In a Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) webcast today,  Holtec, the manufacturer of the nuclear waste containers used at the decommissioned San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) admitted in an NRC Enforcement Conference that as many as 51 modified bolts, known as Shim Standoffs (SSOs), have broken in the four…

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Public Watchdogs secures $300K from donor who wants to “put to death the lie that nuclear energy is ‘green'”

Moores Family funds Public Watchdogs with $300,000.00 to stop Nuclear Waste Dump  Supports legal action to protect and preserve Southern California’s coastline. For Immediate Release DATELINE: SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA, Wednesday, October 17, 2018 Today the Jennifer Moores Family and Change for Justice announced that it has funded $300,000.00 to Public Watchdogs in support of the nonprofit’s work to remove a newly-constructed nuclear waste dump from San…

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Amended Complaint filed in Federal Court to stop beachfront nuclear waste dump at San onofre

Public Watchdogs files Amended Complaint to stop burial of nuclear waste at the beachfront San Onofre Nuclear Waste Dump Today Public Watchdogs announced that is has filed a 65 page amended complaint in its lawsuit to remove the nuclear waste from the beach at the newly contructed San Onofre State Beach Park Nuclear Waste Dump. Southern California Edison, which currently owns the Dump, prefers to refer to it as an “ISFSI,”…

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NRC refuses to allow independent observers at San Onofre inspection

NRC denies independent public oversight after “near-miss” nuclear  disaster at San Onofre   Public Watchdogs protests NRC malfeasance at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. For background or more information, contact Charles Langley at (858) 752-4600 Today, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission — the only agency allowed under U.S. law to regulate the safety of deadly nuclear waste — denied the public access to its evaluation of what it calls a “near-miss” at SONGS,  the San…

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Whistle blower describes near-miss nuclear accident at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS)

San Onofre safety worker exposes unreported (and secret) “near-miss” accident at Southern California Edsion’s Community Engagement Panel Dateline, Oceanside California, August 10, 2018 Get the whistle blower video here. When San Onofre worker and Orange County Resident David Fritch stepped up to the microphone last night, he dropped a bombshell:  his first words were “I may not have a job tomorrow.” The whistle blower went on…

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New Legal Documents Expose Attempt by Regulators and Trial  Attorneys to Bail out SONGS at Public’s Expense

DATELINE, SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA, July 13, 2018: The nonprofit public advocacy group Public Watchdogs  has just filed a 19-point legal argument against the publicly-funded bailout of the failed San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS). If the proposed out-of-court settlement is  approved it will complete an alleged criminal conspiracy to bail out Southern California Edison (Edison) at ratepayer expense. The proposed settlement delivers a 417-fold return on investment for Southern California Edison, which is paying…

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Aerial Art Event creates “Star Man” visible only from the air near San Onofre nuclear plant

On Saturday June 9, the Juaneño Band of Mission Indians, Acjachemen Nation,  conducted a peaceful ceremony and massive Aerial Art display created by internationally renowned Aerial Artist, John Quigley, with video by award-winning director and film maker Kurt Soderling. Watch the documentary by the Museum of Woman Get video from the chopper  here  and here Scroll down for high resolution photos Get B-Roll Video here  The Aerial Art display,…

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Public Watchdogs Sponsors Huge Aerial Art Event near Shuttered San Onofre Nuclear Plant

Hundreds to join indigenous Acjachemen Nation in call for safe containment of nuclear waste DATELINE SAN ONOFRE, CALIFORNIA: At 10:30 AM, this Saturday June 9,th   hundreds of concerned citizens will join with the Acjachemen Nation to create a “work of living aerial art” calling for the safe containment and removal of nuclear waste generated by the San Onofre nuclear power plant. The  participants will use their bodies to create…

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