These Leaders Deserve Your Vote of Thanks

Your utility bills are going to increase because of a reckless vote cast by your elected officials to keep Diablo Canyon open. Last night your representatives under cloak of darkness, in a secret midnight vote, opted to put their political aspirations above the public safety. How? By voting to keep the dangerously decrepit Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant open for business past its prime. Even if…

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Letter in opposition to keeping Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant open

Today, the LA Times published this letter from Public Watchdogs’ Board Member and Director of Development, Nina Babiarz.     Photo: Tracy Adams, Wikimedia While it’s somewhat surprising that Newsom would hang his political aspirations on the coattails of PG&E, which just emerged from a criminal probation during which it pleaded guilty to 85 counts of manslaughter, at least he’s revealing his true colors. It’s also…

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Keeping Diablo Canyon Open – The Devil is in the details

Governor Newsom is actively pressuring your elected officials to keep the aging Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant open. Newsom has promised Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) a $1.4 billion “forgivable loan” to keep it running, plus, the Senate is expected to vote on to keep Diablo open in the next few days!   Call or email these State Senators to avert this disaster! (Scroll down for…

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Oil price down, Gas prices up: Why increasing the supply of oil won’t lower gas prices in the short term

Why are gas prices going up when the price of oil is going down? Get the  KUSI interview on this story  with Public Watchdogs’ Executive Director, Charles Langley   There is a schism in the scheme of things. According to the “Laws of Supply and Demand,” the price of a commodity will increase when it is scarce, and decrease when it is abundant. As of this…

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Letter to Japanese Government on Fukushima radiation dumping

Today, Public Watchdogs joined as a signatory to An Open Letter to the Government of Japan from Concerned Groups, Elected Officials, and Scholars of the World. The letter  which will be hand-delivered to the Japaneses Consulate on August 1, 2022, condemns the government of Japan for its dumping radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean.  As of this writing, more than 130 organizations and scholars have signed…

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Public Watchdogs to intervene in San Onofre nuclear cost hearing at California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)

Public Watchdogs to Question San Onofre Cost to public Public Watchdogs has filed a formal Notice Of Intent (NOI)  with the California Public Utilities Commission to intervene on behalf of ratepayers in hearings involving the decommissioning of the failed San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) by  Southern California Edison (Edison). According to Public Watchdogs’ Executive Director, Charles Langley, “We will use forensic analyses to investigate and…

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Why nuclear energy is insane (and why regulators from four nuclear nations have denounced it as an energy source)

Former Chair of  U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission rejects nuclear energy as “not safe” and “not smart” Dateline May 12, 2022 —  E, the Environmental Magazine, has published a compelling article by journalist Sara Mosko titled the Insanity of Expanding Nuclear Energy.  The story explains how four of the world’s top nuclear regulators have issued a joint statement rejecting nuclear energy as a clean, green solution to…

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Public Watchdogs “The west coast does not receive oil from Russia”

Scroll down for story … California gets little, if any oil from Russia. March 14, 2022, KUSI San Diego SAN DIEGO (KUSI) – With the average gas price costing California’s over five dollars a gallon, one advocacy group is taking it upon themselves to look into the possibility of California oil refineries price gouging consumers. Click here for the original story as it appeared on KUSI….

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San Diego gas prices shatter all records, surging more than $1 in 28 days! Public Watchdogs calls on Attorney General to investigate

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Today, Public Watchdogs is calling on California’s top cop, Attorney General Rob Bonta, to investigate California oil refineries for price gouging. Get the letter here. San Diego, home of the nation’s highest electric rates, just saw gasoline prices blast up by a more than a dollar in the last 28 days (see chart below).  According to the Oil Price Information Service’s GasBuddy fuel…

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Public Watchdogs calls on California’s Attorney General Rob Bonta to take action on gasoline price gouging

2022-03-10-AG-Let-Bonta:  Today, Public Watchdogs announced that it has sent a written request for an investigation into gasoline price gouging by California oil refineries.  The letter is reproduced as text below, and is also available as a pdf here.  Read the reply from Attorney General Bonta’s office here. The Honorable Rob Bonta Attorney General of California 455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 11000 San Francisco, CA 94102-7004                                                                                           Thursday,…

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Today, gas prices increased a nickel in 5 hours. Here’s why:

According to the Oil Price Information Service’s “Gasbuddy,” San Diego gasoline prices are $5.54 a gallon for regular unleaded, as of 4:00 PM today.  That’s an increase of 5¢ per gallon in fewer than five hours, when we checked the site at noon today. According to the oil industry, there are two factors at play in this “perfect storm” of price increases. The first factor is…

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Thursday, February 10, 2022: San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Community Engagement Panel 

Get a video of this meeting.   Today, the San Onofre Community Engagement Panel, which is controlled by Southern California Edison, will be hosting Dr. Kim Petry, Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Department of Energy (DOE). Dr. Petry will discuss consent-based siting for federally approved temporary radioactive nuclear waste dumps. These facilities are known as Consolidated Interim Storage or "CIS." Get details on the Community Engagement...

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NRC sued in U.S. District Court for failing to respond to FOIA requests

Complaint documents “reckless and feckless” regulation by the NRC Whistleblower at SONGS (get video) GET THE COMPLAINT GET THE ACCOMPANYING PHOTOS A new District Court complaint portrays  an agency that is either dangerously incompetent or a brazen liar that is working at the behest of the utilities is is supposed to regulate. On Thursday, January 20, San Diego attorney Michael J. Aguirre sued the United States…

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U.S. Supreme Court kicks nuclear cans down the road to our children

For Immediate Release Public Watchdogs learned today that the Supreme Court of the United States has denied our petition for a hearing regarding the right of private citizens to sue utilities over safety issues involving toxic high-level nuclear waste.   At issue is the storage of highly radioactive “spent” nuclear fuel.  3.6 million pounds of this  fuel, which is deadly once it is “used up” or “spent,”…

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